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Nick grew up in the blue collar community of Sarnia, Ontario, where he lived until he attended McMaster University in 2002. Neither of his parents attended a post-secondary institution, and he was the first person on his father's side to do so. While studying at McMaster, Nick took a variety of subjects and worked part-time throughout, completing an honours degree in psychology.


Nick relocated to Toronto, where he worked and completed a second bachelor's degree in political science. During this period, Nick applied and was accepted to law school. He attended and  completed his Juris Doctor degree at the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law. A highlight of Nick's law school education was the Law Centre program, a full semester legal clinic, where he was responsible for two criminal trials, and won acquittals on both. The Law Centre taught him that he was passionate about litigation, criminal defence, and helping people who were in a difficult situation. He is proud to be part of the alumni of this program.


Upon completion of his law degree, Nick was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to article with one of Vancouver Island's most esteemed criminal defence lawyers, Michael J. Munro.  He spent nearly every day of articling in the court room, honing his litigation skills.


Nick successfully completed the bar exam in Vancouver in early 2013, after completing the Professional Legal Training Course.


He returned to Victoria to work with a private law firm that focused on civil litigation and family law, which he practised while he maintained his own criminal defence client base.


As a new lawyer, Nick jumped at the opportunity to move to Vernon to become a Federal Crown prosecutor, developing expertise in drug offences and Charter litigation.


Ultimately, Nick's true calling lies in helping individuals. On January 1, 2016, Nick started his own firm, Nicholas Jacob, Barrister & Solicitor, specializing in criminal defence.


In his personal life, Nick loves to spend time with his beautiful wife, three children, and two pugs, usually hiking or relaxing on the beach in the beautiful Okanagan. In his personal time, Nick plays in and helps organize the Okanagan Spring Baseball League in the summer and participates in a curling league in the winter.


Nick believes in second chances. Let him fight for yours.

Juris Doctor, University of Victoria Faculty of Law, 2012
Honours Bachelor of Arts,  Polical Science, York University, Glendon College, 2009

Honours Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, McMaster University, 2006

Law Society of British Columbia, called May 2013



To give people second chances by resolving conflict through skill, perseverance, and honesty.




Honesty. Keeping your word. Following through. 


Personal responsibility. Taking ownership of all decisions. Acting according to values. 


People can change. Never stop growing. ​Become your true self. 

Connecting with what matters most. It all starts at home. Supporting families to be together. 


Striving to support our local community. Giving back. And paying it forward.

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